Mouse and Keyboard Controls for Celestia Mouse Functions: Left drag: orient camera Right drag: orbit the selected object Wheel: adjust distance to selection Right + Left drag: adjust distance to selection Ctrl + Left drag: adjust distance to selection Shift + Left drag: change field of view (e.g. => telescopic view) Wheel (middle button) click: toggle field of view between 45 degrees and the previous field (e.g. telescopic view) Left - click: select object Left double click: center selection Right - click: bring up context menu Keyboard Commands: Navigation: H : Select the sun (Home) C : Center on selected object G : Goto selected object F : Follow selected object Y : Orbit the selected object at a rate synced to its rotation : : Lock on selected object " : Chase selected object (orientation is based on selection's velocity) T : Track selected object (keep selected object centered in view) HOME : Move closer to object * : Look back END : Move farther from object ESC : Cancel motion or script Left/Right Arrows : Roll Camera Up / Down Arrows : Change Camera Pitch 1-9 : Select planets around nearby sun Time: Space : stop time L : Time 10x faster K : Time 10x slower J : Reverse time ! : Set time to now ? : Display light-travel delay between observer and selected object - : Subtract light-travel delay from current simulation time Labels: = : Toggle constellation labels B : Toggle star labels E : Toggle galaxy labels M : Toggle moon labels W : Toggle asteroid & comet labels N : Toggle spacecraft labels P : Toggle planet labels V : Toggle verbosity of info text Options: I : Toggle cloud textures U : Toggle galaxy rendering O : Toggle planet orbits / : Toggle constellation diagrams ; : Show an earth-based equatorial coordinate sphere [ : If autoMag OFF: Decrease limiting magnitude (fewer stars visible) If autoMag ON : Decrease limiting magnitude at 45 deg field of view ] : If autoMag OFF: Increase limiting magnitude (more stars visible) If autoMag ON : Increase limiting magnitude at 45 deg field of view { : Decrease ambient illumination } : Increase ambient illumination , : Narrow field of view . : Widen field of view Backspace: Cancel current selection Ctrl+A : Toggle atmospheres Ctrl+B : Toggle constellation boundaries Ctrl+E : Toggle eclipse shadow rendering Ctrl+L : Toggle night side planet maps (light pollution) Ctrl+S : Toggle rendering stars as points (otherwise, they're textures) Ctrl+P : Toggle per-pixel lighting (if supported) Ctrl+T : Toggle rendering of comet tails Ctrl+V : Toggle vertex programs (if supported) Ctrl+W : Toggle wireframe mode Ctrl+X : Toggle antialias lines Ctrl+Y : Toggle autoMag = auto adaptation of star visibility to field of view r R: lower or raise texture resolution Multiview: Ctrl+R : Split view vertically Ctrl+U : Split view horizontally TAB : Cycle active view DEL : Delete active view Ctrl+D : Delete all views except active one Spaceflight: F1 : Stop F2 : Set velocity to 1 km/s F3 : Set velocity to 1,000 km/s F4 : Set velocity to speed of light F5 : Set velocity to 10x the speed of light. F6 : Set velocity to 1 AU/s F7 : Set velocity to 1 ly/s A : Increase velocity Z : Decrease velocity Q : Reverse direction X : Set movement direction toward center of screen Number pad: 4 : Yaw left 6 : Yaw right 8 : Pitch down 2 : Pitch up 7 : Roll left 9 : Roll right 5 : Stop rotation Joystick: X axis : yaw Y axis : pitch L trigger : roll left R trigger : roll right Button 1 : slower Button 2 : faster Other: D : Run demo F8 : Enable joystick F10 : Capture image to file ` : Show frames rendered per second ENTER : Select a star or planet by typing its name Ctrl+INS : Copy location URL to clipboard (Windows)